Thursday, February 25, 2016

Finished Costume

I love how my costume turned out. I am very happy with it. The components were: the sweater, lab coat, scarf, green pants, red converse, and glasses. Also the pens in the pocket, ID, and her ponytail. If I were to do this project again I would make functional buttons on the sweater instead of using velcro. It was stiff and would have looked better if I had buttoned it up. I also didn't like how long it was, but I was glad I had the perfect color. Because it was a size XXL it fit me weird around the shoulders, but you couldn't tell with the lab coat.
The lab coat was great. It had a breast pocket for pens and a lower pocket to attach the ID to. I would have wanted it clipped instead of attached with bobby pins, but I made it work. I think that it wouldn't have made much of a difference if I wore a collared shirt under the cardigan, but it would have been really hot to wear all those layers, so I am glad I didn't add that.
I also wish my shoes were more red than maroon, but I chose to go with my personal preference for the shoes I will be wearing on a regular basis. I also wish I knew someone with an inhaler that I could have used.
I don't know how much time I spent. There was the class field trip and making the cardigan in class. The scarf I worked on in class and at random times during the day, but it was the longest part. I shopped online for the shoes, printed the ID, and finally dressed for (and participated in) the fashion show. The money I spent was close to $70 ($30 on loom/knitting kit; $20 for yarn; $5 on the cardigan; $15 shoes).
The challenges I faced were minimum. I wasn't very pressed for time. I needed a lot of help from Sister Dooley with making my cardigan. I also was frustrated with my scarf when it started to curl. I had already started making it with a shorter width, but the curl made it 1/3 of the width. I also didn't put tassels on the scarf, which I would have done if I had more time.
I am proud that I finished this costume and put it all together, but I am most proud of my scarf. It was the second thing I ever knit on the loom, but the first that I actually finished. Now that I have a kit, I am going to use it a lot and experiment with it. I also learned how important the little things matter. They add up to complete the costume's final look. It pays to go the extra mile.
I am going to miss this class and challenging myself and coming closer to Sister Dooley and my classmates.

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