Thursday, February 25, 2016

Aurora Inspiration continues

I had no idea that this project would take as much time as it did. Going into it, I knew that I didn't have a lot of experience with the materials chosen, but I figured it couldn't be that different from cotton...hahaha...
And since I thought it would be just a simple gown, I also had the brilliant idea that creating a custom pattern and sloper would be far more original and exciting. I am so grateful I did, however creating the sloper took more time than I anticipated, and ultimately hurt the amount of time I had to sew and complete the project.

After creating the sloper and drafting it out on fabric, I was feeling pretty confident that the final outcome would fit really well. My biggest concern was the bodice due to how finicky I knew the lame would be. As for the skirt, it seemed easy enough with just having to cut big rectangles and then gather them in. 
But again, I underestimated it ALL. The bodice was tricky. The lame really loved to snag. And as for the skirt, it wasn't difficult, but in order to create a continuous effect on the material, the outside layer with the sequins was larger than the bottom two layers. Which resulted in having to gather them separately. Which then made it difficult to fit it to the bodice. 

At this point, it was still on fun and games....

Up next: What did I get myself in to?!

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