Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Also called, OXV: The Manual. Everyone takes a test that determines their luck, their frequency. Zak has a negative number, so he is literally out of sync with nature. Marie has an ultra high frequency, so she is highly intelligent. Everything works out for her. She randomly finds 200 pounds on the ground, which is the exact change she needed for an item she purchased. The downside to her high frequency is she has no emotions. The luckier you are, the less you care.
Zak and Marie are complete opposites. They can only meet for 60 seconds, and then nature starts to rebel. Clouds start forming above Zak's head and begins to only rain on him. The next time they meet, a plane flies overhead and begins dropping luggage all around him. Zak is in love with Marie, but she is only using him for experiment.
The costume designer, Milica Todorovic
music video:

In the school, once they find out what frequency they are, they have to wear ties with the color that resonates with their frequency. It's a way of knowing who's who. Zak wears red, Marie wears purple. These colors stick with them even after school.
Zak almost always wears red, when he doesn't he wears black and white. Marie always wears purple until her frequency changes (except pink on their date).

Zak, through his teenage years, looks disorganized. His hair is long like a boy in a boy band. His tie looks like he keeps loosening it and wringing it.
Zak's best friend, Theo, is exactly in the middle, so he wears blue. His dad wears blue as well.

Marie's father doesn't seem to follow any color scheme. When you first see him he wears red, but later he wears blue. Her mother first wears a dark purple shirt. Overall she just looks very formal and expensive.
When Marie is conducting her experiment, she tries flirting. She wears a knee length skirt and you see her unbutton the top of her blouse and loosen her lavender tie. She even fiddles with her hair a bit. She wears a white dress for the dance but has purple flowers.

Marie-Curie Fortune

Isaac-Newton Midgeley (Zak)

Theodor-Adorno Strauss (Theo)

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